sessions.htmlTEXTR*ch &Æ≥…&≥…&ÅÅ)ç Tabs On The Web: Sessions
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Setup For PWS
Session Managment
Creating your Database
Importing a Tab Deliminated File
Creating Admin Users
Browsing the database
Working with Templates
Remote Managment

Session Configuration

As each user uses the system, they get a "session" allocated to them this stores various information about them while they are using the system, like what page of a multi page list they are on and what was their last search so that it will come up in the editfield should they do a second search and so forth. These sessions take a small amount of memory so you may want to limit the number and the length they are active in the system.

  • Maximum Concurrent Sessions
    The maximum number of people that can use the program at one time. If you set this and more than that number of people are trying to use the system at one time they will get an error message telling them the server is busy and to please try back in a moment. The people already using the system will still be able to continue using the system without having it slow down.

  • Quit If Idle For
    There is no reason to keep the program running on the server when no-one is using it. The web server will start it automatically when someone requests it. You can have the program quit if it is idle. This is a good idea.

  • Session Timeout
    A session is allocated for each person using the system. If they dont use it again for a while that session needs to be cleaned up. If your site doesn't have much to read on it, a short timeout will be ok, if they are going to be spending a long time on a page in the middle of the process you'll want to give them a little more time. If a persons session times out and they try to use it again they dont get an error message, they just start over at the entry page.
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